21) How can you retrieve the number of items in the list for a WebList object?
* GetList
* GetItem
* GetItemsCount
* GetROProperty
22) How do you know if Smart Identification has been used in a test?
22) How do you know if Smart Identification has been used in a test?
* The Smart Identification icon appears in the test results
* The test results will show a run error, causing a test failure
* The properties used by the object repository will be changed
* The Object Repository will show the Smart Identification icon
23) What object is used to read information from a text file?
* Read
* ReadLine
* TextStream
* File System
* Open Text File
24) What are the available environment variable type(s)?
* Built-in
* User-defined
* User-function
* Built-in, User-defined
* Built-in, User-function
25) What is the difference between a subroutine and a function?
* A subroutine can call itself; a function cannot
* A function returns a value; a subroutine cannot
* A function can accept arguments; a subroutine cannot.
* A subroutine can call other procedures; a function cannot.
26) What are the two most commonly used ADO objects?
* Fields
* Execute
* Connection, RecordSet
* Open, ConnectionString
27) What does a breakpoint do?
* Stops test execution at the specified step, after executing that step
* Stops test execution at the specified step, before executing that step
* Pauses test execution at the specified step, after executing that step
* Pauses test execution at the specified step, before executing that step
28) Where do you configure an action to use a shared object repository?
* Test Settings
* Action Settings
* Action Call Properties
* Associate Repositories
29) What looping statements are available in QuickTest?
* Whileend, Doloop, Ifhen
* Switchfase, Ifhen, Fortext
* Fortext, Whileend, Doloop
* Fortext, Doloop, Switchase
30) What are the available step commands in QuickTest?
* Step, Step Into, Step Out
* Step Into, Step Over, Step Out
* Step Test, Step Action, Step Function
* Run from Step, Debug from Step, Run from Step
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